Brief Biography...
Well, there is a lot to say, but I will keep it short and focus on this current Fine Art project. I spent almost ten years working in different production studios, doing a lot of commercial art, product design, and scenic environments. It was a job to do, and I did it quite well.
I attended college in the San Francisco Bay Area, and interestingly enough, I was actually a Photography Major. So lot of my idealism in an approach to Art is from the mindset of a photographer; very liberal, tolerant, and open minded. I dabbled in, and absorbed everything, until eventually I developed a natural love for Life Modeling Classes, drawing or sculpting from the nude model. *I didn't actually start out a 'sculptor'. In fact, I found the underlying strains of chauvinism and deep conservatism in the sculpture department to be quite disturbing. The Photography department however, was very inclusive, and very tolerant of different ideas and view points. I would say they were on the tip of the cutting edge of any, and every sociopolitical & new art movements. Also, as an art student, I found my calling in Art History. I found I had a deep fascination for the Late Baroque, as well as the Ancient, Greek Hellenistic style. The ideals of the Romantic period resonated with me, however I found the Romantic sculptor's approach to modeling of the clay to be too simplistic.
Infuse it all with my own love for life and humanity, and I guess one could say I have created my own unique form of Art.
at the moment, I have made several maquettes, which are now being enlarged
into larger sculptures. These days I am focused on the enlargement process
of the male nude form. Early next year after I have finished creating
a body of larger male nude works, I will proceed to continue with the
female nudes. My focus with the female nude form, as you will see from
the maquettes, is on the Art of Human Contortionism.
The Art of Human Contortionism, to me as an artist, is as much as an art form as the sculpture itself.
The categories are as listed to the left.